Park Booster Agenda June 20

Monthly Meeting AgendaLocation:  Horner Park HallDate: Tuesday, June 20Time:  7:00pm I. Call to order.II. Roll callIII. Approval of minutes from last meetingIV. Treasurer reportV. Open issues a) Plastic Cap/Lid recycling drive update  b)annual non profit filing w/state c) 2023 Event updates from committee membersVI. New business a) Directors/Officer Nominations & Election  b) open discussion VII. Adjournment…

Agendas Available

The Horner Park Board meets the first Wednesday of each month. Agendas for these meetings are posted by Monday of that week, keeping with the Illinois Open Meetings Act. Agendas are posted on the park bulletin board, located just inside the main park entrance (north side of the road). They are accessible, even during times…